Recently, our family visited my mom (“Nana”) and stepdad (“Grandpa Bob”) for July 4th weekend. It was an unplanned, last minute trip. I am a planner. So traveling four hours away with a two month old and a twenty-two month old with one day’s notice is, at the very least, unnerving. But we did it, successfully, and today I’m going to share a few travel tips (and items that saved me) to make traveling with “two under two” easier.
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Travel Tips
Tip #1: Create a packing list
Like I said, this was last minute. I was packing not only for myself and my husband (and my stepson, but at fourteen he pretty much packs for himself), but our two babies. Babies have a lot of stuff. Something I’ve done since Amelia was a newborn is keep a checklist on my phone of items I need to have with me when we travel. I have sections for both babies, myself, my husband, and a quick checklist to read off to the older kids to make sure they didn’t forget anything either. With this recent trip being so last minute, I sure was grateful to have this list ready to go on my phone so I could breeze through packing quickly.
Tip #2: Set your expectations (and set them low)
Look, I’m all for optimism and looking on the bright side and seeing the best. However, I’m also a realist. I learned years ago, for example, that I could completely redo my kids’ bedroom and make it beautiful and Pinterest-worthy and expect these awesome reactions and a clean room all the time, only to find they were excited for about one whole minute then trashed the place. Life is not Pinterest and kids are not robots. So when I venture out with my kids to Target or on a four hour car ride, I set my expectations low. I know Amelia will probably throw a tantrum at some point at Nana’s and Adeline will probably require us to stop seven times so she can breastfeed. Then, when that happens, no hurt feelings, because I knew it would. If it doesn’t happen, then I can celebrate this pleasant surprise.
Tip #3: Snacks
Gone are the days when all I needed to travel with my baby were boobs. Amelia is a goldfish-eating toddler now, and snacks are essential. Pack snacks that can quickly be eaten in a parking lot in the car without making a giant mess, and pack extra because you never know when the toddler who ate like a bird yesterday will start a growth spurt. Then pack some more in case Nana forgot your toddler is allergic to eggs and peanuts (she didn’t, but better safe than sorry). Also, pack a Clif bar or something for you, because a hangry mom is not helpful in hour three of traffic.
Tip #4: Try to maintain their routine
This is understandably not always possible when you’re traveling, but worth the effort. Try to maintain bedtime, nap times and meal times. Actually, my mom and I were talking during our visit about how serious I am about bedtime and how when I was a baby I would “just fall asleep anywhere when I was tired and she’d carry me into bed when we got home.” How nice! So I guess if your kids do that, then lucky you! Let them hang out for the fireworks. We, however, will be tucking our babies in by 7:30. #MeanMom
Tip #5: Have fun (and accept help so that you can)!
I’m a control freak. There, I said it. But especially when you’re not in your regular environment with young kids, it is hard to be in control. When you are on vacation or traveling for work or visiting family, TRY to have fun with your little ones and don’t worry about everything going perfectly. Find moments to relax. If you happen to be traveling with another adult (or visiting other adults), accept help from them so that all of the burden of traveling with your babies is not on you. In our recent trip, my mom went in and got Amelia up and fed her breakfast every morning we were there… and it was glorious. Sure, I still had to wake up and breastfeed at 7 (or 5) am, but then I could doze off again for a little while knowing Amelia was taken care of. If you are lucky enough to have help when you travel, accept it!
Items to Pack
Now for the THINGS you do not want to forget when you’re traveling with two under two. Ready?
#1 Their sleep items
Recreate their room if you can. Seriously. Bring their blankets, lovies, stuffies, pillows, sleep sacks. The more you can recreate their sleep environment, the easier it will be to make them feel comfortable and safe to go to sleep. We even travel with our Dohm sound machine and the nightlight straight out of the nursery.
#2 A “sleep container”
A Pack n Play or similar baby container for sleeping, because what good are all those sleep items if your little one, who usually sleeps in their crib, is now free to roam about the room?
#3 Their feeding items
I bring bottles, my breast pump, milk storage baggies and a bottle brush at minimum for my newborn. For my almost two-year old, I pack a few of her plates and bowls (this kind, that suction to the table to avoid messes), her spoons and forks (because she still gets a little too stabby for the metal ones), extra sippy cups (I love these for travel because they do not leak and are totally spill-proof), and when I’m going anywhere besides my mom’s, we travel with this booster seat. My amazing mom keeps a high chair at her house so no need this time!
#4 Baby/toddler medications
If your kiddos take any medications, make sure to bring those to avoid last-minute trips to the store or frantic calls to your pediatrician for emergency refills. Amelia has allergies/eczema, so I always bring her allergy medicine, as well as her own body wash and lotion. Adeline is exclusively breastfed so we use Vitamin D drops, and she gets the Gerber Soothe probiotic daily. I also always bring infant Tylenol… just in case.
#5 Plenty of diapers and wipes
No explanation needed!
Well I hope this post helps someone through the tough task of traveling with two under two! If you enjoyed this post, or are curious what items I can’t do the newborn stage without, check out my top newborn essentials here.
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