Party Planning: Amelia’s 2nd Birthday

Y’all, my baby is turning two in a month! It’s a weird time to be party planning with all the concerns for COVID-19, and truth be told, we have no idea if we’re even going to be able to have … Continued

Feeding Toddlers: Five Days of Meals (and Our Experience in Feeding Therapy)

My almost-two-year-old daughter, Amelia, is a great eater most days (especially when it comes to trying whatever mommy is eating), but that hasn’t always been the case. Today I’m going to share our journey through feeding therapy and what our … Continued

Baby & Toddler Favorites: Amazon Apparel

posted in: Babies & Toddlers, Favorites, Shopping | 0

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I’m a shopaholic on a good day, but y’all, since being locked down due to COVID19 pandemic and maternity leave, my online shopping habit is at … Continued